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1. 什么是LED? What is LED?
LED是发光二极管 英文缩写(LIGHT EMITTING DIODE),显示屏行业所说的 LED特指能发出可见波段的LED
LED is Light-Emitting Diode.In display field, LED means what can emit visible wavelength
2. 什么是像素? What is pixel?
It is the minimum light unit. The meaning is same with the pixel of computer monitor.
3. 什么是像素间距? What is pixel pitch?

4. 什么是LED模块? What is LED module?
It is a basic unit that has a circuit and certain installation structure. It has display function and an realize display function through simple assembly.
5. 什么是DIP插灯模块?What is DIP LED display module?
It refers to putting foot of DIP packaged lamp through the PCB,then filling up the lamp hole with tin through welding.
6. 什么是SMD表贴模块?What is SMD LED module?
Put the SMT lamp weld on the surface of PCB,and lamp foot is not through the PCB board
7. 什么是COB封装模块?What is COB LED module?
Consitituted by several displays pixels, independent is structure, it makes up the smallest unit of LED display,typically8*8

8. 什么是双基色,伪彩,全彩显示屏?What is dual color,fake color,full color display?
By different colors of LED,we can form different screens.Double color is consist of two colors,red,green or yellow,green Fake full color is consist of red,yellow,green and blue.Full color is consisted of red,green and blue.
9. 什么是发光亮度?What is luminance?
It means intensity of light emitted by LED display unit area.The unit is CD/m2.In simple words,it is the light intensity emitted per one square meter display.
10. 什么是亮度等级?What is brightness level?
It is the series of brightness between the smallest and the biggest of manual or automatic adjustment of the whole screen.
11. 什么是灰度等级?What is gray level?
At the same level of brightness,technology processing series from the darkest to the brightest.
12. 什么是白平衡?What is white balance?
What we called the white balance is white color balance,the balance of brightness proportion of RGB three colors,the brightness proportion of RGB three colors.



13. 什么是对比度? What is contrast ratio?
Under certain ambient light illumination environment,the ratio of maximum brightness and background brightness of LED display screen.

14. 什么是色温? What is temperature?
光源发射的 颜色与黑体在某一温度下辐射光色相同时,黑体的温度称为该光源的色温。
If the color of the light is same with the color of blackbody at a certain temperature, the temperature of the blackbody is referred to the color temperature of the light source.
15. 什么是换帧频率? What is repetition frequency?
The number of times of information update in display in unit time.
16. 什么是刷新频率? What is refresh rate?
The number of times of repeating display in unit time.
17. 什么是视角,什么是可视角,什么是最佳视角? What is the angle of view? What is the angle of view? What is the best view?
视角是观察方向的 亮度下降到LED显示屏法线的 亮度的 1/2时,同一个平面两个观察方向与法线方向所成的夹角,分为水平与垂直视角;可视角是刚好能看到显示屏上图像内容的方向,与显示屏法线所成的角。最佳视角是能刚好地看到显示屏上的内容,且不偏色,图像内容最清晰的方向与法线所成的夹角。
Perspective is the brightness of the observation direction down to the 1/2 brightness of the LED display normal.Two observation directions in the same plane and normal direction's angle,is divided into horizontal and vertical perspective.But perspective is just to see the direction of the image content on the screen.And the best angle can be just to see the contents of the display screen,no partial color,and the most clear image content direction with the normal angle.
17. 什么是最佳视距? What is the best view?
是能刚好完整地看到显示屏上的内容,且不偏色,图像内容最清晰的 位置相对于屏体的垂直距离。
It is to see the content of display screen,just complete and unbiased color,And image content is the clearrest position relative to the vertical distance of screen body.
18. 什么是失控点,分几种? What is out-of-control point,with how many instances?
发光状态与控制要求不相符的像素点,失控点分为:盲点(亦称四点)、常亮点 (或暗点)、闪点三种。
Light condition is not consistent with control requirements of pixels.Out-of-control points are divided into:bilnd spot(also called dead point),shining points(or dark spot) and flash points.

20. 什么是静态驱动,什么是扫描驱动?
What is static drive?What is scanning dirve?
From the output of the dirver ICfeet to pixel point,static driving is point-to-point control.From the driver IC output pin to pixel point,scan driver is point-to-column control.
21. 什么是恒流驱动,扫描是恒压驱动?
What is the constant current drive?What is constant voltage drive?
Constant current refers to current value designed in constant output within the driver IC allowed working environment.Constant pressure refers to voltage value designed in constant output within the driver IC allowed working environment.
22. 什么是同步系统,扫描是 异步系统?
What is the synchronization?What is asynchronous system?
Synchronous and asynchronous is relative to the computer. The synchronization system refers that LED display shows synchronously with the computer.Asynchronous system refers to editing display data in computer and storing in advance within the display control system. Turning off the computer will not affect the normal display of the LED display.
23. 什么是远程控制,在什么情况下使用?
What is the remote control?
Under what circumstance it can be used?
所谓的远程并不一定是远距离。远程控制包括主控制端在一个 局域网内,而空间距离并不远;及主控制端好被控制端在比较远的 空间距离内两种,客户要求或者根据客户控制位置超出光纤之间控制的距离,那么久用远程控制。
The so-called distance is not necessarily along-distance.Remote control includes the main control and within a local area network(LAN) and not far space, and master control end and control end in the far space distance. If customer's request beyond the control of distance between optcal fiber,or according to customer's control position,remote control will be adopted.



24. 什么是光纤传输? ,什么是网线传输?
What is optical fiber transmission?
What is the cable transmission?

光纤传输是将电信号换成光信号利用透明的 玻璃纤维传输,网线传输是利用金属导线直接进行电信号的传输。
Fiber transmission is to change electrical signals into light signal and transmit through transparent glass fiber.Cable transmission is to use metal wires for electrical transmission directly.
25. 什么情况下用网线,什么情况下用光纤??
Under what circumstance can cable be used?
Under what circumstance can optical fiber be used?

当显示器好控制电脑的布线距离小于100米的时,用网线传输,当两者间的 距离小于500米大于100米时,用多模光纤,当距离大于500米以上时,用单模光纤。
When the display and control computer wiring's distance is less than 100meters,we have to use network cable transmission;When the distance between them is between 100 to 500 meters, we need to use multimode fiber,When the distance is more than 500 meters,we have to use a single mode fiber.
26. 什么是局域网控制,什么是互联网控制??
What is LAN control?
What is the internet control?

Within the lcal area network(LAN),if a computer is controlled by another computer or connected to external devices, this king of contril method called LAN control,if the main controller, by the controller IP address in the internet network, achieves the goal of control, the control is called the internet control .

27. 什么是DVI? What is DVI
DVI是Digital Video interfaced的缩写,即数字视频接口。它是现在国际通用的一种数字视频信号接口。
DVI is Digital Video interfaced. It is now the general interface of a digital video signal.
28. 什么是GPRS?什么是GSM?
What is GPRS? What is GSM?

GPRS是通过分组无线业务(General packet radio service),在现有GSM系统上发展起来的一种新的承载业务,主要用于无线电通信;
GSM是1992年欧洲标准化委员会统一推出的“Global system for mobile communication”标准(全球移动通信系统)的 缩写。它采用数字通信技术、统一的网络标准,是通信质量得以保证,并可以开发出更多的新业务提供用户使用.
GPRS is a new bearer service developed on GSM system, through general packet radio service, mainly used on wireless communication.
GSM is the abbreviation of global system for mobile communication, unified launched by the European standardization committee in 1922.it uses digital communication technology and unitized network standard,to assure quality and develop more new business users.
29. 什么是USB接口?What is USB port?
USB的英文缩写是UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS,翻译成中文就是“通用串行总线”。也称为通用串联接口,它能支持热插拔,能最多链接127个PC外部设备:有USB1.0和USB2.0两种接口标准.
The abbreviation of USB is a universal serial bus, also known as universal serial interface.It can support hot plug, can connect 127 PC peripheral equipment and has two kinds of USB1.0 and USB2.0 interface standards.